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Course Synopsis

EMBEDDED SYSTEM APPLICATIONS covers the basic concept and application of microcontroller system based on Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) microcontroller. Students will learn software and hardware development on microcontroller development system and understand how to do interfacing with external devices using suitable internal chip features. Students will be also exposed to the new Microcontroller Unit (MCU) simulation software.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Electronic Components for PIC project

The main circuit for PIC needs the following components:
  • 1 x crystal 20.0MHz
  • 1 x resistor 10kohm
  • 1 x PIC16F877A
  • 1 x 40 pin socket
  • 1 x diode
  • 2 x ceramic capacitor 22nF
  • PCB or veroboard
Cost for this main circuit is around RM50. (worth to be tried out)

to be update soon.

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